The Admissions Process: Step by Step

Step 1: Make time to visit Gateway 
All prospective parents are invited to attend an informational tour, the “First Monday” of the month on select months during the school year, and by appointment in the summer. This visit will provide more details about admissions and programs, and also give parents the opportunity to see the classrooms, meet the teachers, and ask questions. This visit is a very important step in helping interested families make an informed decision when choosing a school for their child's early years.

Upcoming Tours for future enrollment:

First Monday tours that take place during the academic year start at 4:00pm and require sign up by calling or emailing to be added to the list.

Tour dates upcoming:

  • Academic year tours upcoming are currently for admission consideration for the 2025-26 school year:

    • Monday March 3, 2025 4:00pm- Tour now Full

    • Monday April 7, 2025 4:00pm

    • Monday May 5, 2025 - 4:00pm, LAST tour of the academic year

Please call 773-539-3025 or email to have your name added to the visitors list. Please tell us the age of your child and intended start date.

Summer tours are by appointment during the day, twice per month dates TBD and will be listed month by month beginning in June.

Step 2: Submit application materials
Once you have visited the school, and are interested in continuing the enrollment process, please complete the "Application for Admission" form and submit the non-refundable application fee of $50.00. This can be done through our online tuition and fee payment system linked below.

Returning children's re-enrollment contracts are generally due in mid-March.

New family applications are reviewed first in the order they are received beginning in late March for the following academic year.

Applications for interested families are welcome at any time and are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Preferences are given to siblings and children with previous Montessori experience.

If you require a paper version of the form, please send a request to

Link to our online form and tuition and fee payment system.

Step 3: Receive notice of admissions decision
Admissions decisions for the following school year are generally made beginning in late March/early April, and current year enrollment decisions are made throughout the year on a case by case basis by the Director and the teaching staff considering several factors: completion of all components of the application process, and the needs and openings of our classroom community.

Step 4: Return enrollment contract with tuition deposit 
When your child is invited to enroll at Gateway Montessori, you will have two weeks to return the signed Enrollment Agreement, Tuition deposit, and a one time family entrance fee to the school office (via the online platform). Upon receipt of contract and fees, we will hold a place for your child in our program and you will be contractually obligated for the tuition.

Aftercare until either 4:30pm or 5:30pm is available for children aged 3 and up at an additional fee. Find out more under program listings here.

Enrollment Wait List
If your child is not offered a position in our program, you may wish to be placed on our wait list. We occasionally experience withdrawals and urge parents to remain on the wait list. The wait list has no order of priority, families will be contacted based on the needs for gender and age diversity in the classrooms. Families on the wait list for the current year are contacted first for enrollment opportunity the following school year.

Should you have any questions about our admissions process or wish to schedule a visit, please contact us.


See Gateway Montessori’s Response to Bullying Policy HERE